Episode 1

Published on:

31st Mar 2020

Buen Hombre Interview: Hugo Castro

This is the official first podcast of Buen Hombre hosted by longtime human rights activist Enrique Morones, now the executive director and founder of GenteUnida.net.  GenteUnida.net is a non-profit human rights advocacy group based in San Diego, California. And what an auspicious day. César Chavez day is an American federal commemorative holiday, César Chavez day is an American federal commemorative holiday observed every year on March 31. It is a state holiday in 10 states, such as California, Arizona and Colorado, where schools and state offices are closed, and people get the day off work.

This day celebrates the birthday and work of civil rights and labor movement leader César Chávez. Hugo Castro is a courageous humanitarian who has worked for decades to protect the lives and well being of migrants on both sides of the US Border. He has worked in shelters in Tijuana, and has been a guide, friend and advocate for many in their times of need. Hugo is an American Citizen born to migrant farm working parents. Hugo's life was greatly influenced by the lives and work of Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta. It is fitting that this interview that allows us to take a look at his many accomplishments and trials falls on this day. Hugo's spirit is indomitable, it is our hope at Gente Unida that his message touches your heart as it has ours. Please share our new podcast with your friends and family. BuenHombre.org or MagnificentMujer.org.

To support this podcast or any of Gente Unida's non-profit programs go to: https://www.genteunida.shop/support-a-program/ or go to our paypal link.

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About the Podcast

Buen Hombre
Good Man: Enrique Morones of Gente Unida.net interviews courageous humanitarians weekly.
Enrique Morones is a Human Rights activist born in San Diego to Mexican parents who instilled in him a deep love for Mexico, spiritual faith and social justice. He is driven by the passage “for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink.” Matthew 25:35

Enrique has a history of firsts—In 1998 he was the first person to be granted dual citizenship with Mexico, the first president of the San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Vice President in Major League Sports with the San Diego Padres bringing the first ever regular season games outside the US/Canada, the President and Founder of House of Mexico and President and Founder of Border Angels (saving migrant lives), an all volunteer group.

Enrique has been featured on NBC, CNN, CBS, BBC, NPR, Univision’s Don Francisco Presenta, Televisa Nacional, Rocio en Telemundo and in countless other international media around the world. He frequently lectures and has more than held his own on shows with Bill O’Reilly and Lou Dobbs. Morones promotes the TRUTH about the migrant community.

As a founder of GENTE UNIDA (a human rights border coalition) in May of 2005, he has led the national effort against the vigilante Minutemen soundly shutting them down in California. He is recognized as one of the 100 most influential Latinos in the USA by HISPANIC BUSINESS MAGAZINE and his recognitions include being FRONTLINE HUMAN RIGHTS international awardee for his lifelong dedication to Human Rights,2009 National Human Rights Award, presented by Mexican President Felipe Caldron, 2010 California Spirit Award, presented, Gil Cedillo, and the Bishop Buddy Alumni award presented by “USD” University San Diego.
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Sarah Bella Mondragon